정유시설의 안전 운영에 관한 일반적인 위험관리에 대한 기술지침(P-174-2021)
o 관련 규격 및 자료 - BP, Hazards of Oil Refining Distillation Units, ICheme, 2008 - BP, Safe Furnace and Boiler Firing, ICheme, 2005 - BP, Hazardous Substances in Refineries, ICheme, 2005 - BP, Hazards of Water, ICheme, 2004 - BP, Hazards of Nitrogen and Catalyst Handling, ICheme, 2006 - BP, Hazards of Steam, ICheme, 2004 - Henry Z Kister, Distillation Operation, McGraw-Hill, 1990 - Norman P.Lieberman..